Grand Plaza Online Plant Pop Up
Living Art USA: The Online Plant Pop Up Store for Grand Plaza
- All plants are 15% off to Grand Plaza residents & staff
- Start date: Saturday, July 10 - Sunday, July 18
- Grand Plaza residents use our easy to order online store
- Choose from over 30 varieties of pet & child-friendly plants
- Delivered to your apartment in 1-2 days
Featuring Pet & Child-Friendly Plants
Living Wall Panels
Wall Sconces
Here's the highlights of Grand Plaza online pop-up store...
15% off all Plants...when you purchase plants individually, you'll receive 15% off your online purchase. All our plants are medium sized, perfect for your apartment & home office. Choose from our selection of pet & child-friendly plants
15% off all Living Wall Panels...Living Wall Panels feature Living Moss & Tree Bark in your choice of varieties...Pole, Bright Lime, Sea Green & Forest Green. No maintenance, water or light required. Two-piece frames for quick and easy assembly. Great for that naked wall you have been meaning to cover!
15% off Wall Sconces...Made from 100% recyclable materials. Your wall sconce is lightweight and durable, 6" High X 12" Wide X 7" Deep each with a White Matte finish. Each order includes a live 6" Pothos plant, as seen in the photos.
How to order your Pop-Up Plants...easy as 1-2-3!
- Go to to start shopping.
- Enter the Discount Code: GRAND at checkout to receive the 15% discount on all orders. You can order multiple times.
- Your plants and sconces will be delivered to your door in 1-2 days. Living Wall Panels in 5-10 days.
The 15% Off Pop-Up offer ends Sunday, July 18 at 10 PM CST.