About your Pink Allusions Arrowhead - Arrowhead plants, also called syngonium and nepthytis, make excellent easy care indoor plants. As a young plant, its leaves start out heart-shaped, then gradually become arrowhead shaped as it matures. Originally grown as a solid green plant, arrowhead plants now have leaves in multiple colors. No matter the color, the arrowhead is one of the easiest plants for new gardeners to grow.
Size - Medium-size, shelf or counter plant. 12-16" tall (including pot).
Light - Medium to bright indirect light. No direct sun.
Water - Water 1-2 times per week to keep soil always moist.
Preferred Rooms - Kitchen, bath, family or bedroom.
What comes with your plant - Includes its own 6" Recycled container and care instructions. Your container has a built-in saucer, so feel free to direct plant into your Re-Pot container or your own container. Discard the coco fiber & straw used to hold the soil in place.